A Metallic World

I have always disliked chemistry. My high school chemistry class was horrible. The teacher, mean and incompetent, did nothing to inspire his students, and I ended up with a strong contempt for elements and compounds.  Much to my chagrin, I had to take a year of general chemistry and a year of organic chemistry (I […]

Unity of Knowledge

I recently finished reading Consilience by biologist Edward O. Wilson. This book took me to places I had never been to or thought of much before – from tropical rainforests to the taiga to 18th Century France. It explored the arts, economics, psychology and biology, among many other topics. Wilson used this array of places […]

Stem Cells and Transplants

Desperate times lead people to desperate measures. For patients suffering from terminal illnesses, they often turn to unconventional treatments or ways to skirt the system. Sometimes those treatments work. Sometimes they don’t. My reading this week introduced me to patients who just wanted hope, companies that wanted to take advantage of that, and a broken […]

Numbers and Censorship

This week I read two articles on subjects I don’t like: math and censorship. One left me feeling somewhat cold the other made me red hot. Numbers Laura Sanders’ article “Safety in Numbers” started off with an interesting though somewhat hokey start. I was willing to forgive the fact that she compared mathematicians to men […]